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Books and Publications

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The basis of player development has always been face to face interaction between the coach and the player, but our analysis of feedback from over 500 practising Soccer Coaches at all levels in Europe, Asia and North America, clearly shows that this is not the only way coaches are now engaging with players.


In this first-ever guide for Soccer Coaches on how to use the web to support the development of their players, we explore which web tools coaches use, why and how they use them. 


The top 5 reasons given by these coaches as to why they use the web to support the development of their players are as follows:


  1. The Player is encouraged to take more ownership of their own development

  2. It’s an extension of the coaching session for the players

  3. An opportunity to reinforce messages when they are away from the coach

  4. It’s an opportunity to provide added value to the coaching they receive from our club and this differentiates us from other clubs

  5. It maximises the contact time the coach has with the players


The book is therefore grounded in practical application and includes over 100 examples quoted by coaches at all levels, recommendations for 200 free tools and references to over 250 free websites.


The normal price for this book is $9.95 (USD) but for our web visitors, this can be purchased at $4.95 (USD) + postage: a saving of $5.00 To Take advantage of this offer use the code ZS2YL83A.


A Digital Guide to Support Player Development,

Part 1:

‘How Coaches can find free content on the web’

Content covers the following:


  • Popular free and subscription soccer coaching websites

  • Using YouTube

  • How to use search engines to identify specialist websites

  • How to use content monitoring & notification services

  • How to keep up to date using RSS, feed readers & newsletters

  • Using screen capture & note-taking software


The price of the Kindle is $2.59 (£1.55) - more details


A Digital Guide to Support Player Development,Part 2: 'Developing a Network of Trusted Colleagues Online' 

Content focuses on:


  • Developing a network of trusted Colleagues

  • Developing an Online Profile

  • Collaborating Effectively with Colleague

  • Online Note Taking

  • Using LinkedIn

  • '10 Ways Twitter Can Improve Your Coaching' 

The price of the Kindle is $2.59 (£1.55) - more details

Potentialing your child in soccer

A parent's guide for helping kids maximise their potential in soccer and in life.


The current cost is $9.99 but is available to our web visitors for $7.99 (+postage).

  Use the code HERNZFY3 at checkout. 

In1988 after 3 years research the FA Soccer Star tests were  validated by Professor Tim Holt of Southampton University, England following extensive research with over 10,000 children. They had been proven to display over 90% reliability and over 90% validity in distinguishing between different levels of players.The outline of the tests are available and details in PDF form  here Download FA_Soccerstar_challenge

The book of the Programme is still available on Amazon  here . Over 1million children in over 50 countries went on to take the Soccer Star Challenge which involved 6 tests - dribbling, turning,speed slalom,heading, shooting and  running with the ball. It was intended as a ' fun' activity to motivate players to practise in their own time but there was an Talent ID aspect:- 

The Programme of tests produced a final score for the player on a 6 Level rating.Players achieving the highest ( 6 Star ) grading were recommended to their nearest licensed Academy ( previously known as ‘ Centre of Excellence ) Some of the England Full Internationals and England Under 21 players who have undertaken the Soccer Star Challenge and obtained the top six star grading are shown below ( including their age when they achievedthe Soccer Star 6 star rate and the team they went on to play for )

Michael Carrick (Manchester United) 10 years ,Michael Bridges (Leeds United) 11 years ,Matthew Upson (West HamUtd ) 10 years ,10 Jonathan Greening (West Bromwich Albion ) 10 years ,John Curtis Blackburn Rovers 11 years,Matthew Etherington ( West Ham Utd ) 10 years

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